A Culinary Experiment!

Documenting the ups and downs of our first CSA experience...
and our attempt to be more conscious of all things local!

Citrus Fish and Beet Salad

>> Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tonight's dinner included "mystery" fish and the beet salad I posted about yesterday. I'll get to the details in a minute, but first, an explanation about the "mystery..."

So I'm not sure if we just ate tilapia or flounder, but it was an error on the part of the clerk at the fish store today. Or possibly that the fish was mislabeled? I asked for tilapia, and then decided that the flounder looked better. So I told her that I wanted flounder instead, but she reached for (what I thought was) the tilapia. I said, "I actually wanted that one" and pointed to what I thought was flounder. She said that was the tilapia, and although I showed her that the signs said the opposite of what she gave me, she charged me the price for the tilapia (which was lower than the flounder). The woman in line behind me was laughing at the entire exchange! Regardless, I made some sort of white fish tonight as a main dish to eat along with our beet salad.

Now, back to dinner...

First of all, I was excited because it was the first time that I cooked fish myself! (yes, I know, some of you are probably cringing at this statement, but Dan usually does all of the prep involving raw things. EW. Tonight he was doing yard-work though, so it was all me. YAY!)

To season the fish, I used fresh orange and lime juice, garlic, salt, pepper and fresh cilantro. I also left the squeezed orange and lime in the pan. Somehow not that much of the flavor actually came through in the cooked fish (although Dan disagrees with me, he enjoyed the fish more than I did). I also made a side salad using red lettuce from the CSA, almonds, orange, and some of the leftover dressing from last night's salad.

We expected the beet salad to have a lot more garlic and lime flavor than it did. I think next time I'd use a lot more dressing, or perhaps not leave it overnight before we eat it. The cucumbers actually soaked up more of the flavor than anything else. Hmm...

As you can probably guess, we were both kind of disappointed with tonight's meal. I guess you win some and you lose some, right?

At least it all looks pretty!

My rating: 6.5/10
Dan's rating: 7/10

PS - For those of you who are curious, I'm not sure that I like beets anymore than I did before. I did like the striped beets better than the regular ones, but I still don't think I'd choose them over something else. Again, Dan disagreed with me - he really likes them!


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